Okay, so it's been a while since I last posted any type of journaling. My goal this year is to post a little more often than I did last year. I've been thinking of what other things I do with my time than post on my blog. Here are a few of my answers:
1. Take care of my children's many needs/wants, which may include but not limited to,
*Hunger-This is an all day battle. I kid you not, 20 minutes after eating breakfast the baby birds are saying "I'm hungry". "Can I have some chocolate milk?" "I want some lenomade". Do children have endless intestines? A couple days ago Dani had 2 Eggo waffles at 7:30AM and two hours later ate 2 more waffles. Should I be concerned?
*Playtime-This includes playing with Pet Shop Pets, babies, putting pony tails in the dolls hair, battleship battles with Jackson, playing Cranium's Hullabaloo (Great game if you don't have it), Game Cube tournaments (Jackson likes to watch Cory & I play. Actually he likes to see Dad cream Mom & then giggle about it), going to the park or on a hike, and lots of walks.
*Homework-This includes making sure Jackson & Dani read their take home library book each night, which is never a problem because they love to read. Reminding Jackson to do his daily homework, and actually getting it back in his backback. Kylee actually brings homework home from preschool. The homework has been really good for her & she loves doing it.
*Hygiene-Of course as parents we are responsible for our children's cleanliness. I just wish it wasn't such a huge ordeal. The girls can't get in the bath without making the bathroom look like it was hit by a tidal wave. Jackson is great at obeying my wish when I ask him to get in the shower, but washing with soap, forget about it. The other night his Aunt Rach asked if he washed his hair. He said, "No, but I rinsed it out really good".
2. Mounds & I mean mounds of laundry. I absolutely HATE laundry. If I had it my way I would just buy new. No, I wouldn't because I am fruggle or what my family likes to call me, cheap.
3. Cooking/Cleaning. I think that's all I need to say about that.
4. Volunteering at the school. Cory & I try for one of us to volunteer at the school once a week in either Dani or Jackson's class. It is very rewarding to see the results in the kids after spending so little time with them.
5. Selling Scentsy- Busy season is over. I do have a lot of fun selling this product. I love it!
6. Keeping up with Activity Days-Okay so I will admit, I have been a slacker. I am so busy during the day it is hard to find time for our twice monthly activities. Another goal is to be a better leader for my girls.
7. Work-I still work one night a week at Dixie Regional, which really takes out 2 days. The night I work I try to lay down for a nap about 1:00PM and if I'm lucky sleep till 3:00PM. Then I am off to work at 5:00PM. I get home from work about 7:30AM and go to sleep. I wake up between noon & 2PM. I love working at the hospital. The team I work with is awesome!
8. Family-We do a lot of activities with our families. A lot of times we just hang out or have dinner together. We like to go on hikes, drives, movie night outside on the projector, playing pranks on one another. Here's a few ideas: Place a person in a huge box & then set in on the doorstep, then when the door gets answered you jump out and scare them to death. Drive to Kolob and fill your truck with snow, go to your sister's house and make cubes of snow to block your front door. Yes, this one happened to us. Buy your mom chicks for Easter. Rach & Cody did this to see what Mom's reaction would be. We have plotted to buy her a baby goat, or pig. None of us have had the guts to do it yet. If you are curious as to what happened to the chicks, my mom raised them for a couple years until a rabid dog got them.
Okay, so the list could go on & on. Needless to say the last thing on my mind is keeping my blog updated, yet I still love to do it. There is some sort of emotional release by writing your feelings down. Already, I know I will have a better day.
Okay, so I can't find the picture of when Cory & I got snowed in, but my sister just did some scrapbook pages of when they snowed in my Aunt Kaye, so I will post that.